Internal Quality Assurance Cell IQAC Established on 01 01 2021 AIM The aim of IQAC is to develop quality culture in all fields viz Academic sports Cocurricular activities NCC NSS etc for overall development of students and also to provide them environment friendly green campus with updated facilities OBJECTIVES Plan for development of quality culture in the institution Coordination of quality related activities Develop mechanism to implement plans Coordinate and improve internal communication Be a change agent in the institution Mechanism To conduct regular meetings To prepare agenda as per requirement To prepare and present implementation process for suggested plans To coordinate and guide To check regularly the assigned work To collect important points for future planning to be included in agenda of next meeting Outcomes New shots term courses for skill development of girls Good Academic Results Achievements in Variety of sports ISO Certification Internal Audits Adequate and Modern infrastructure facilities Future Plans Regular Checking of Quality initiatives taken To enhance the use of IT techniques in teaching and administrative work Regular Updating on Social Media viz College website Timely Display of Academic information to students Multi disciplinary courses to be adopted
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